Vyvanse: Consistent
control for
Sarah's ADHD symptoms
weren't controlled throughout her busy day.
Her teachers, coaches and even her friends didn't know the Sarah I know.
Vyvanse has been shown to provide consistent ADHD symptom control from
morning, through homework and family time, for up to 12 hours.
In a Vyvanse clinical study, parents reported ADHD symptom control at approximately
10:00 am, 2:00 pm and 6:00 pm, demonstrating consistent symptom control.
I wish others could see the child I see.
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'dimesylate) capsules
Consistently Vyvanse
Ask your child's doctor about Vyvanse; 1-866-463-8504, www.vyvanse.com
Important Safety Information:
Tell the doctor about any heart conditions, including structural abnormali-
ties, that you, your child, or a family member, may have. Inform the doctor
im m ediately
if your child develops symptoms that suggest heart problems, such
as chest pain or fainting.
Vyvanse should not be taken if your child has advanced disease of the blood vessels
(arteriosclerosis); symptomatic heart disease; moderate to severe high blood pressure;
overactive thyroid gland (hyperthyroidism); known allergy or unusual reactions
to drugs called sym pathom im etic amines (for exam ple, pseudoephedrine);
seizures; glaucoma; a history of problems w ith alcohol or drugs; agitated
states; taken a monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI) within the last
Tell the doctor
taking Vyvanse if your child is being treated for or has symptoms
of depression (sadness, worthlessness, or hopelessness) or bipolar disorder; has
abnormal thought or visions, hears abnormal sounds, or has been diagnosed with
Please see Brief Summary of Full Prescribing Information on the previous page.
psychosis; has had seizures or abnormal EEGs; has or has had high blood pressure;
exhibits aggressive behavior or hostility. Tell the doctor
im m ediately
if your child
develops any of these conditions or symptoms while taking Vyvanse.
Abuse of amphetamines may lead to dependence. Misuse of amphetamine may
cause sudden death and serious cardiovascular adverse events. These events have
also been reported rarely with amphetamine use.
Vyvanse was generally well tolerated in clinical studies. The most common side
effects reported in studies of Vyvanse were decreased appetite, difficulty falling
asleep, stomachache, and irritability.
Aggression, new abnorm al thoughts/behaviors, mania, grow th suppression,
worsening of motion or verbal tics, and Tourette’s syndrome have been associated
with use of drugs of this type. Tell the doctor if your child has blurred vision while
taking Vyvanse.
S h ir e .
..your ADHD Support Company™
LDX1738 03/08 ® 2008 Shire US Inc.
You are encouraged to report negative side effects of prescription drugs to the FDA. Visit www.fda.gov/medwatch, or call 1-800-FDA-1088.
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